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Media & Technology: School

Right now, I’m writing from my Media & Technology class: Today’s assignment is to “Write a 200-word post reflecting on your time as a student so far.” That’s should be easy enough: I’ve been in the education system since I was a wee little lad. In fact, it was in class all those years ago that I wrote blogs like the one-and-only, incredibly informational Minecraft blog post. All of my life — excluding the summers, weekends, and holiday breaks — has involved the US education system.

Some might find the idea suffocating: Spending the majority of one’s life (well, at least until adulthood) forced to learn, but I enjoy school quite a lot. To be candid, I think a big reason for my enjoyment of school is that I got lucky enough to be taught things that were inherently interesting, by teachers who were inherently interesting. This has led to me being somewhat absorbed by everything I learn: There are far fewer classes I dislike than there are classes I enjoy.

200 words is a surprisingly small number. I mean, before this paragraph, I was already at 168 words – leaving only 32 left to work with; There is no way I could meaningfully reflect on my academic experiences in full with that word count, which is why I will exceed it to wrap things up. My life went from learning addition to taking anti-derivatives very, very quickly, and I am left wondering where my future will take me. I’ve always enjoyed my classes, but I guess I’m as clueless as I am curious about what future me will learn.

A photorealistic drawing of my school:

Published inschool

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